1.2.7 Edit Session

Enter this command to edit a session. A session is defined by the SessionId parameter. If the value differs from the values in the database, a new session will be created, but with other SessinonId, than unexisting SessionId from command. If the parameter value is equal to the value of an existing session, the existing session with the specified value will be adjusted according to other parameters. Name = session name, Flags = bit flags (0x1 = session is active, 0x2 = session is muted), Priority = stream priority, Channel = session channel, MasterVolume = session output volume, MasterBalance = session output balancing value, MasterFadeTime = time during which the volume or balance change is effective, if requested [ms], PanelUserId = relates to the console panel, PanelMode = relates to the console panel, PanelVirtualInputId = relates to the console panel, FreeRideId = relates to the console panel.


<CTI_IE_REFERENCE Ref="0x421"/>
<CTI_NSPK_IE_SESSION SessionId="0x7" Name="My session edited" Flags="0x0" Priority="1" Channel="999" MasterVolume="4096" MasterBalance="0" MasterFadeTime="0" PanelUserId="0xFFFFFFFF" PanelMode="USER" PanelDelay="40" PanelVirtualInputId="0xFFFFFFFF" FreeRideId="0xFFFFFFFF"/>


<CTI_IE_REFERENCE Ref="0x421"/>
<CTI_IE_RESULT Result="OK"/>