3.9 Services

Click on the Listings menu and then on Services to display the long list of PBX service access codes. Or, use the below shown list of services, which, however, need not be up-to-date as the service table is downloaded from the PBX and contains default access codes. Some codes may be changed by the Administrator and not match the table items. Therefore, you are recommended to consult the up-to-date list of services in  2N® NetStar Assistant


Prefix      Name
*21User call forwarding
*22User call forwarding if busy
*23User call forwarding if no response
#20Cancel all user call forwardings
#21Cancel user call forwarding
#22Cancel user call forwarding if busy
#23Cancel user call forwarding if no response
**Take over station
##Take over user
#*Take over group
*#Take over my group
#50Cancel alarm-clock
*8#DTMF to CTI
*55Ring at call to user
#55Do not ring at call to user
*66Station login
#66Station logout
*67Station login as guest
*70Pin change
*71Private call from my station
*72Private call
*73Call to order
#42Return from hold
*64Login station to bundle
#64Logout station from bundle
#30Reset all forwardings into voicemail
*31Set unconditional forwardings into voicemail
#31Reset unconditional forwardings into voicemail
*32Set forwardings if busy into voicemail
#32Reset forwardings if busy into voicemail
*33Set forwardings if no response into voicemail
#33Reset forwardings if no response into voicemail
*65Login user to bundle
#65Logout user from bundle
*35Record voicemail greeting message
#35Delete voicemail greeting message
*36Play voicemail greeting message
*9#Connect to call
*60Activate profile
#60Deactivate profile
*61Set presence text
*11User call forwarding
*12User call forwarding if busy
*13User call forwarding if no response
#10Cancel all user call forwardings
#11Cancel user call forwarding
#12Cancel user call forwarding if busy
#13Cancel user call forwarding if no response
*51Set time
*52Set date
*56Record user progress tone
#56Play user progress tone
*57Delete user progress tone
*0#Add to conference
*2#Call to conference room
*43Enable CLIR
#43Disable CLIR