1.8.1 List of All NetSpeakers

Enter the command to list all NetSpeakers at the server. Defined by the SpeakerId, Name, UniKey, ConParams, Flags, MaxGain, Channel, Volume, EqualizerId and Delay parameters.


<CTI_IE_REFERENCE Ref="0x420"/>


<CTI_IE_REFERENCE Ref="0x420"/>
<CTI_NSPK_IE_SPEAKER SpeakerId="0x1" Name="New speaker 1" UniKey.Mac="c8:60:00:05:d9:1b" UniKey.Serial="52-0451-0091" ConParams.Format.SamplesPerSec="44100" ConParams.Format.BitsPerSample="16" ConParams.Format.Channels="2" ConParams.BitRate="128" Flags="0x1" MaxGain="60" Channel="0" Volume="3520" EqualizerId="0xFFFFFFFF" Delay="40"/>
<CTI_NSPK_IE_SPEAKER SpeakerId="0x2" Name="New speaker 2" UniKey.Mac="7C:1E:B3:00:33:85" UniKey.Serial="52-0214-0001" ConParams.Format.SamplesPerSec="44100" ConParams.Format.BitsPerSample="16" ConParams.Format.Channels="2" ConParams.BitRate="128" Flags="0x1" MaxGain="60" Channel="0" Volume="4096" EqualizerId="0xFFFFFFFF" Delay="40"/>


<documentation IE="CTI_NSPK_IE_SPEAKER">
<member Type="KER_T_INT" Name="SpeakerId" Brief="Primary key of speaker"/>
<member Type="KER_P_CHAR" Name="Name" OffsetPointer="true" Brief="Speaker name"/>
<member Type="NSPK_S_UNI_KEY" Name="UniKey" Brief="Unique key (serial number + mac) - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<member Type="NETSPK_S_CON_PARAMS" Name="ConParams" Brief="Connection parameters - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<member Type="KER_T_U32" Name="Flags" Brief="Flags by NSPK_SRV_E_SPEAKER_FLAGS - for SET operation some flags READ ONLY"/>
<member Type="KER_T_INT" Name="MaxGain" Brief="Max gain of amplifier (in tenth of dB) - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<member Type="KER_T_INT" Name="Channel" Brief="Channel number - for SET operation optional"/>
<member Type="KER_T_INT" Name="Volume" Brief="Volume - for SET operation optional"/>
<member Type="KER_T_INT" Name="EqualizerId" Brief="Equalizer ID - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<member Type="KER_T_INT" Name="Delay" Brief="Sound path delay"/>

<documentation struct="NSPK_S_UNI_KEY">
<member Type="KER_T_CHAR" Name="Mac" ArraySize="32"/>
<member Type="KER_T_CHAR" Name="Serial" ArraySize="32"/>

<documentation struct="NETSPK_S_CON_PARAMS">
<member Type="CDRI_S_CODEC_AUDIO_FORMAT" Name="Format" Brief="Format of data (samples per secs, bits per sample, channles)"/>
<member Type="KER_T_INT" Name="BitRate" Brief="Bitrate of compressed data"/>

<documentation struct="CDRI_S_CODEC_AUDIO_FORMAT">
<member Type="KER_T_U32" Name="SamplesPerSec" Brief="Sampling frequency"/>
<member Type="KER_T_U16" Name="BitsPerSample" Brief="Sample bit size"/>
<member Type="KER_T_U16" Name="Channels" Brief="Number of channels"/>

<documentation Bitfield="NSPK_SRV_E_SPEAKER_FLAGS">
<item Value="0x0001" Brief="BUTTON_VOLUME - Button at speaker controls volume. If not set, controls channel - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<item Value="0x0002" Brief="MUTE - Speaker converter is muted"/>
<item Value="0x0004" Brief="NO_MULTICAST - Speaker is not connecting via multicast"/>
<item Value="0x0008" Brief="RELAY_ON_TRANSMIT - Connect rele in state TRANSMITTING"/>
<item Value="0x0010" Brief="RESET_REQ - Request to reset speakeru - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<item Value="0x0020" Brief="DISABLE_IRSENS - OBSOLETE - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<item Value="0x0040" Brief="ENABLE_TELNET - Enable telnet"/>
<item Value="0x0080" Brief="SYNC_NOW - Synchronize offline actions to speaker - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<item Value="0x0100" Brief="FORMAT_REQ - Format SD card - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<item Value="0x0200" Brief="BLINK_REQ - Speaker identification by blinking and playing gong - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>
<item Value="0x0400" Brief="BRIDGED - Connect mono rele - for SET operation READ ONLY"/>