1.2.2 List of All Session Input Sources

The command lists all the sessions and the sources assigned to them. A session is defined by the SessionId parameter, the input source by the SourceId parameter and a combination of the Type and ID parameters. SourceId is the primary key of the source allocated to the session and identifies the input source when multiple sources are in a session at the same time. By combining the SessionId and SourceId parameters you get current information on the source in a session, such as the currently played source, volume, etc. The Type and ID parameters help acquire general information on the source, i.e. the source type (NONE / HW / PLAY_LIST / VIRTUAL_INPUT / USER / FREE_RIDE / PORT / RADIO / COMMON_SRC / MIKE), source ID, volume, balance and file fade time. Flags is a bit fielsd, which tells source parameters such as MUTED (0x01), REPEAT (0x02), AUTO_PAUSE (0x04), SHUFFLE (0x08), ACTIVE(0x10).


<CTI_IE_REFERENCE Ref="0x420"/>


<CTI_IE_REFERENCE Ref="0x420"/>
<CTI_NSPK_IE_SESSION_SOURCE SessionId="0x4" SourceId="0x5" Flags="0x12" Type="PLAY_LIST" Id="0x1" Volume="4032" Balance="7" FadeTime="0"/>
<CTI_NSPK_IE_SESSION_SOURCE SessionId="0x4" SourceId="0xB" Flags="0x12" Type="RADIO" Id="0xF" Volume="4096" Balance="0" FadeTime="0"/>
<CTI_NSPK_IE_SESSION_SOURCE SessionId="0x5" SourceId="0xA" Flags="0x12" Type="PLAY_LIST" Id="0x5" Volume="153" Balance="0" FadeTime="0"/>


<member Type="INT" Name="SessionId" Brief="Primary key source (reference to SESSION)"/>
<member Type="INT" Name="SourceId" Brief="Primary key source"/>
<member Type="U32" Name="Flags" Brief="Flags by NSPK_SES_E_SESSION_SOURCE_FLAGS"/>
<member Type="INT" Name="Type" Brief="Source type by NSPK_SES_E_SESSION_SOURCE_TYPE"/>
<member Type="INT" Name="Id" Brief="ID of source by type"/>
<member Type="INT" Name="Volume" Brief="Source volume"/>
<member Type="INT" Name="Balance" Brief="Source balance"/>
<member Type="INT" Name="FadeTime" Brief="Source fade time in ms"/>

<member Type="INT" Name="SessionId" Brief="Primary key source (reference to SESSION)"/>
<member Type="INT" Name="SourceId" Brief="Primary key source"/>

<documentation Bitfield="NSPK_SES_E_SESSION_SOURCE_FLAGS">
<item Value="0x01" Brief="MUTED - Session source is muted"/>
<item Value="0x02" Brief="REPEAT - Play list will be repeated"/>
<item Value="0x04" Brief="AUTO_PAUSE - After one song was played, playing will be paused"/>
<item Value="0x08" Brief="SHUFFLE - Play list will be shuffled"/>
<item Value="0x10" Brief="ACTIVE - This sourcewill be active"/>

<documentation Enum="NSPK_SES_E_SESSION_SOURCE_TYPE">
<item Name="NONE" Brief="None source"/>
<item Name="HW" Brief="Hardware source (LineIn, Mic)"/>
<item Name="PLAY_LIST" Brief="Local play list"/>
<item Name="VIRTUAL_INPUT" Brief="Virtual input"/>
<item Name="USER" Brief="User"/>
<item Name="FREE_RIDE" Brief="User for free ride mode"/>
<item Name="PORT" Brief="Port (for SIP calls)"/>
<item Name="RADIO" Brief="Internet radio"/>
<item Name="GEN_VIEW" Brief="Generated play lists - OBSOLETE"/>
<item Name="COMMON_SRC" Brief="Comon input"/>
<item Name="MIKE" Brief="NetMic source"/>