1.11 Server Discovery

2N® NetSpeaker Server discovery

Every 2N® NetSpeaker Server listens on UDP port 6995 for discovery requests.

2N® NetSpeaker Control Panel periodically searches for active servers (in local network) by broadcasting UDP packet on this port with the following content:

Hex offsetHex dataASCII data
00004d 61 67 69 63 57 6f 72 64 3d 66 30 34 34 36 61MagicWord=f0446a
001061 61 37 35 62 37 38 36 37 61 62 35 62 62 66 32aa75b7867ab5bbf2
002034 30 62 35 37 64 66 62 66 36 3b 0a 43 6d 64 3d40b57dfbf6;.Cmd=
003045 6e 75 6d 53 72 76 3b 0a 00EnumSrv;..

This content is constant. If changed, the Server will not respond.

All Servers respond (provided MagicWord and Cmd match) by UDP packet with the following content:

Hex offsetHex dataASCII data
00004d 61 67 69 63 57 6f 72 64 3d 66 30 34 34 36 61MagicWord=f0446a
001061 61 37 35 62 37 38 36 37 61 62 35 62 62 66 32aa75b7867ab5bbf2
002034 30 62 35 37 64 66 62 66 36 3b 0a 43 6d 64 3d40b57dfbf6;.Cmd=
003053 72 76 49 6e 66 6f 3b 0a 00SrvInfo;..

All responses within certain time interval are considered active. IP address of the responding Server can be taken from IP header.

ToDo: Servers could send details about running services and allocated ports (e.g. XML API on 6543).