1.1.2 Opening Communication

2N® NetSpeaker Server – Starting Communication

By default, the 2N® NetSpeaker Server listens on TCP port 6543 on all eth server ports. External applications are connected to this port.

Communication between external applications and the 2N® NetSpeaker Server always starts with the BIND command. This command is sent by the client.
The application cannot continue communicating until it receives the <bind Status="OK"/> reply from the 2N® NetSpeaker Server. The server thus confirms the connection and creation of a communication channel.


<bind ConnType="LOCAL" AppName="NetSpkApiTest"/>


<bind Status="OK"/>

Error message

<error Layer="XMLB">UNBOUND_STREAM</error>

The following answers have been added for different situations:

OK ...external application can start sending other commands.

ALREADY_BOUND ... application ignores this error and can send commands, bind is no longer needed.

NEIGHBOUR_IS_UNREADY ... application must repeat the bind command after a time delay of 100 ms at least.

ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS .... application must wait to auth or bind response, because autorization process alredy runs

UNBOUND_STREAM ......... application try to send commands earlier, than bind response comes

NOT_ALLOWED_HERE ....... application breach prescribed procedure bind and auth

No new commands can be sent until the CTI interface responds to the bind command.

If the application does not receive an answer in about 1 sec, it repeats the bind command.