3.3 Attendance Module Mode

2N® Access Commander treats Attendance in three modes: 

  1. Arrival and departure in FREE mode – arrivals and departures in the FREE mode are recorded according to the first and the last card swipes through any 2N reader within the company. The Presence module is disabled in this mode.

  2. Arrival and departure in IN-OUT mode for all devices – arrivals and departures are recorded in the IN-OUT mode whenever an arrival or departure reader is used (set directly on the device). This mode is essential for correct functioning of the Presence module.

  3. Arrival and departure in IN-OUT mode for selected devices  make sure that reader directions are set in the IN/OUT mode. Set the directions in Hardware / Extending modules / Doors). Attendance is generated from the first IN and OUT events, but only for the devices specified in the setting. Attendance is not filed for the non-specified devices.